Iran ready to cooperate with Russia in the Middle East

Iran ready to cooperate with Russia in the Middle East

Elizaveta Isakova
29.09.2010, 19:44

Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi, Iran's Ambassador to Russia, spoke with the VoR reporters on Wednesday. Among other things, he stated that Iran is ready to cooperate with Russia on the conflict resolution in Afghanistan and in the Middle East.

Russian politicians are currently urging the involvement of Iran in the resolution of regional problems as this may distract the country from its nuclear program. Washington also welcomes the initiative and especially notes Iran's influence in the Gulf. However, experts doubt that nuke-obsessed Iran will agree to be a peacekeeper. Iran is also unlikely to cooperate with the US which is negatively perceived in the country.

Still, Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi says Iran is ready to cooperate with Russia on regional security.Iran is not ready to serve a peacekeeping mission in line with Western laws and views. We think that foreign troops in the region cause additional tense and serve the political ambitions of their countries. It's hard for our people to witness deaths, the diplomat said.

The Ambassador also said that the people of the Middle East don't need any outside control as regional stability is in their own hands. Still, Sajjadi highly rated Russia's role in the Middle East. " The recent meeting between Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev and the Syrian Hamas head Khaled Mashal was a good measure. But Moscow shouldn't spoil its reputation by supplying weapons to the Israeli occupational regime, said the diplomat referring to the September agreement on Russian-Israeli military cooperation. Sajjadi thinks such supplies are shameful and only the US may bear such a shame as its weapons supplies to the Gulf countries are destabilizing the situation in the region and may hit the US one day.

Obviously , Iran is an important Middle East player whose opinion has to be taken into consideration . Iran's influence on the situation in Afghanistan is so strong that some experts doubt successful US troop withdrawal without Iranian help. The country is also essential for stabilizing the situation in Iraq, especially after US soldiers leave the country, believes Oriental studies expert Vitaly Naumkin.

Tehran's refusal to cooperate with Western countries is easily explained by their desire to isolate the country. If no compromise is found, protracted Middle East problems will last forever.

Source: Voice of Russia.


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