Possible had been done to prevent the attack ?
Two top officials who were conspicuously absent from Medvedev’s meeting — Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev and Federal Security Service director Alexander Bortnikov. They should have been grilled on whether everything possible had been done to prevent the attack.
Upon learning of the terrorist attack at Domodedovo Airport, President Dmitry Medvedev convened an emergency meeting with Investigative Committee head Alexander Bastrykin, Prosecutor General Yury Chaika and Transportation Minister Igor Levitin. Thus, Medvedev invited only those who are directly responsible for responding to a terrorist attack. Bastrykin was charged with creating an investigative task force, Chaika was told to examine all transportation facilities, and Levitin was instructed to beef up security measures at airports.
But there were two top officials who were conspicuously absent from Medvedev’s meeting — Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev and Federal Security Service director Alexander Bortnikov. They should have been grilled on whether everything possible had been done to prevent the attack.
Nurgaliyev and Bortnikov were also not called before Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Like Medvedev, Putin limited his response to issuing orders, telling Health and Social Development Minister Tatyana Golikova to prepare the necessary documents for providing assistance to the victims’ families.
Bortnikov or Nurgaliyev avoided television cameras during the first eight hours after the explosion.
These tactics clearly demonstrate that Russia’s top officials view the terrorist attack at Domodedovo as being no different than a natural disaster in which there is no guilty party, only a tragic accident. Questions of the government’s and individual ministers’ negligence and basic responsibility to provide security for its citizens are avoided.
In this spirit, Medvedev on Tuesday gave a hint as to who should be punished for the terrorist attack. First, he said the management of Domodedovo Airport should face criminal charges. Then, he ordered Nurgaliyev and Bortnikov to fire Interior Ministry and FSB officials who were responsible for transportation safety. This underscores Medvedev’s narrow, bureaucratic approach of firing officials instead of focusing on preventing a terrorist attack in the first place.
read the full article here :
В Домодедово готовится еще один теракт?
В московскую милицию позвонил неизвестный и сообщил о заложенной бомбе в аэропорту "Домодедово". Об этом сообщили правоохранительные органы.
«В 19:05 (18:05 по Киеву) по телефону 02 позвонил неизвестный и сообщил о готовящемся взрыве в аэропорту "Домодедово", после чего повесил трубку», - сказал собеседник агентства.
Вчера вечером аэропорт продолжал работу, а его территорию тщательно обследовали кинологи с собаками, также проводился визуальный осмотр помещений силами усиленных патрулей.
Сегодня утром милиция завершила осмотр аэропорта "Домодедово". Никаких подозрительных предметов не обнаружено, сообщил источник в правоохранительных органах.
«Проверка проводилась с использованием служебных собак. Никаких подозрительных предметов не обнаружено», - отметил он.
Источник добавил, что в настоящее время установлен телефонный номер, с которого звонил неизвестный. Принимаются меры к его розыску и задержанию. Скорее всего, в отношении «телефонного террориста» будет возбуждено уголовное дело по статье 281 УК РФ («заведомо ложное сообщение о террористическом акте»).
Upon learning of the terrorist attack at Domodedovo Airport, President Dmitry Medvedev convened an emergency meeting with Investigative Committee head Alexander Bastrykin, Prosecutor General Yury Chaika and Transportation Minister Igor Levitin. Thus, Medvedev invited only those who are directly responsible for responding to a terrorist attack. Bastrykin was charged with creating an investigative task force, Chaika was told to examine all transportation facilities, and Levitin was instructed to beef up security measures at airports.
But there were two top officials who were conspicuously absent from Medvedev’s meeting — Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev and Federal Security Service director Alexander Bortnikov. They should have been grilled on whether everything possible had been done to prevent the attack.
Nurgaliyev and Bortnikov were also not called before Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Like Medvedev, Putin limited his response to issuing orders, telling Health and Social Development Minister Tatyana Golikova to prepare the necessary documents for providing assistance to the victims’ families.
Bortnikov or Nurgaliyev avoided television cameras during the first eight hours after the explosion.
These tactics clearly demonstrate that Russia’s top officials view the terrorist attack at Domodedovo as being no different than a natural disaster in which there is no guilty party, only a tragic accident. Questions of the government’s and individual ministers’ negligence and basic responsibility to provide security for its citizens are avoided.
In this spirit, Medvedev on Tuesday gave a hint as to who should be punished for the terrorist attack. First, he said the management of Domodedovo Airport should face criminal charges. Then, he ordered Nurgaliyev and Bortnikov to fire Interior Ministry and FSB officials who were responsible for transportation safety. This underscores Medvedev’s narrow, bureaucratic approach of firing officials instead of focusing on preventing a terrorist attack in the first place.
read the full article here :
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![]() Imitation Anti-TerrorTwo top officials who were conspicuously absent from President Dmitry Medvedev’s meeting with top security officials — Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev and Federal Security Service director Alexander Bortnikov. They should have been grilled on whether everything possible had been done to prevent the attack. |
В Домодедово готовится еще один теракт?
В московскую милицию позвонил неизвестный и сообщил о заложенной бомбе в аэропорту "Домодедово". Об этом сообщили правоохранительные органы.
«В 19:05 (18:05 по Киеву) по телефону 02 позвонил неизвестный и сообщил о готовящемся взрыве в аэропорту "Домодедово", после чего повесил трубку», - сказал собеседник агентства.
Вчера вечером аэропорт продолжал работу, а его территорию тщательно обследовали кинологи с собаками, также проводился визуальный осмотр помещений силами усиленных патрулей.
Сегодня утром милиция завершила осмотр аэропорта "Домодедово". Никаких подозрительных предметов не обнаружено, сообщил источник в правоохранительных органах.
«Проверка проводилась с использованием служебных собак. Никаких подозрительных предметов не обнаружено», - отметил он.
Источник добавил, что в настоящее время установлен телефонный номер, с которого звонил неизвестный. Принимаются меры к его розыску и задержанию. Скорее всего, в отношении «телефонного террориста» будет возбуждено уголовное дело по статье 281 УК РФ («заведомо ложное сообщение о террористическом акте»).
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