Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: április, 2011
Weapons Found on the Flotilla Ship Mavi Marmara Used by Activists Agains...
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Gaza Flotilla "Peace Activists" send us back to Auschwitz...
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IHH Flotilla to Israeli Navy: "Go back to Auschwitz!" "Don't forget 9/11...
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Hamas: Israel's new partner - חמאס: הפרטנר החדש של ישראל
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Obama releases longer birth certificate to end 'silliness'
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Obama releases longer birth certificate to end 'silliness' Obama in his two years in office has had to deal with charges that he does not meet the constitutional requirement that a president must be U.S. born, and separately, some have accused him of being a Muslim, when in fact he is a Christian. By Reuters President Barack Obama on Wednesday released a longer version of his birth certificate to answer Republican charges he was not born in America, and blasted "carnival barkers" who refuse to let the issue die. Obama took the unusual step of making a statement in the White House press briefing room to comment on the controversy, which has been raised most recently by real estate tycoon Donald Trump, who is considering a 2012 run for the Republican presidential nomination. Obama's birth certificate, made public today. Photo by: Reuters source: "We do n...
The Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb
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By: Camille Tawil January 2010 marked the three-year anniversary of the merger between the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (or GSPC, as it is known by its French acronym) and al-Qaeda central. The GSPC became the official wing of al-Qaeda in North Africa, under the title of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). After a two-year period, in which this newly-luanched organization seemed to be busy organizing spectacular suicide terrorist attacks against primarily government targets in Algeria, there was suddenly a lull in the major attacks in the third year of AQIM's existence. And apart from kidnapping Westerners in the Sahara between the Maghreb and the Sahel region, and a handful of attacks launched in Mauritania in 2009, AQIM seemed to have failed in its attempts to expand its theater of operations to the rest of the Arab countries that make up the Maghreb, a region that consists of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania. This Occasional Paper will evalua...
Surprise, Bin Laden spawn sides with coalition - English
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Surprise, Bin Laden spawn sides with coalition - English Dr William B. Mount: First - Ben Osmand (Osama Bin Laden) is dead. We have showed pictures of Osama with Brazinski - Rockefellar's Business Partner in New York - training Ben Osmand, and American Citizen. The upscaling of this war may be accomplished if the Chinese Nuke enters the Port of San Diego over the next 7 days and is detonated. I urge San Diego Port Authorities to use their Nuclear Detectors very heavily over the next 7 days. If they do this ship will reroute to Mexico and the Nuke will be brought across the US boarder through Mid Texas in a Mexican Army Hummer in 12 days. This is a Chinese Intelligence Operation. The US Navy can divert this ship is it checks the expected incoming ships that do not arrive in San Diego but divert to Mexico. You could wrap up this whole affair in a few days and keep this all "Under Wrap." This will be the last warning. Forget about any further assistance as the Punk...
Putin against 'radical change'
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By Pavel K Baev The rhetoric of renovation and reinvigoration cultivated by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has been severely curtailed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who presented to the State Duma last week the last report on the work of his government. Putin claimed full credit for the fact that "the national economy has made a post-crisis breakthrough" and asserted that Russia needed a decade of "steady, uninterrupted development". What surprised most commentators on this lengthy speech loaded with figures was the resolute dismissal of the philosophy of modernization and the firm intention to lead "without sudden radical changes in course or ill thought through experiments based so often in either unjustified economic liberalism or, on the other hand, social demagogy". Perhaps particularly surprised were the members of expert working groups organized by Putin for revising the outdated Strategy-2020, who now discover that their far from radical sug...
The Archbishop of Canterbury on the Royal Wedding
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Tamir Pardo to become Israel spy agency´s next chief CCTV News
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National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace Open Dialog Coali...
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From Brain to Stuxnet: 25 Years of PC Viruses
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Brain: Searching for the first PC virus in Pakistan
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Foreign policy along party lines | Russia Beyond The Headlines
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Russia's foreign policy may be made by the United Russia party, but that doesn't mean there is no debate. Russia’s complex, contradictory and at times even somewhat confused reaction to the events in Libya reflects fundamental differences in how various political forces in Russia define the country’s interests in North Africa and around the world. The most visible—and inevitably inflated—indication of opposing foreign policy philosophies among Russian elites was the reactions offered by President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to UN Security Council Resolution 1973. While Putin called the resolution, which established a no-fly zone over Libya, “moronic” and likened it to a “medieval call to crusade,” Medvedev defended the resolution on the grounds that the regime of Muammar Gaddafi committed crimes against its own people. With all the spotlights focused on the Medvedev-Putin duo, little attention was paid to the animated discussion of the Russian position v...
Moscow Church Spearheads Russia Revival
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In Russia, charismatic churches are often considered cults. Consequently, the government puts laws on the books to restrict religious freedom. MOSCOW -- In a land where the Russian Orthodox Church dominates, one evangelical charismatic church is creating spiritual waves. "The Protestant movement is growing very strongly," said Rick Renner, senior pastor of Moscow Good New Church. Renner and his wife Denise are at the forefront of the movement. In 1991, the couple moved their family to what is now the former Soviet Union with the goal of reaching Russians with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nine years later, in September 2000, they started Moscow Good News Church in the Russian capital city. "Moscow church is approximately 3,500 people in regular attendance," Renner told CBN News. That's big for Russia, where most Protestant churches attract less than a thousand people to each of their congregations. Reaching the Upper Crust While the goal is to re...
Yuri Gagarin's pioneering first orbit - the movie
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A real time recreation of Yuri Gagarin's pioneering first orbit, shot entirely in space from on board the International Space Station. The film combines this new footage with Gagarin's original mission audio and a new musical score by composer Philip Sheppard. For more information visit
Yury Gagarin became famous all over the world
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Less than a month after his space flight, Gagarin traveled abroad for the first time. The first man in space went on a so-called Peace Mission, visiting Czechoslovakia, Finland, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria and Egypt. The biography of Yury Gagarin, the first man in space 20:00 11/04/2011 Yury Gagarin became famous all over the world. Less than a month after his space flight, Gagarin traveled abroad for the first time. The first man in space went on a so-called Peace Mission, visiting Czechoslovakia, Finland, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria and Egypt. >> Other news of the day
Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Can The Split in the Tandem Be Dealt With?
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Russia Profile Weekly Experts Panel: Can The Split in the Tandem Be Dealt With? Introduced by Vladimir Frolov Russia Profile 04/01/2011 With Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev publicly sparring over the UN resolution on Libya, and the Russian elites agonizing over an emerging rift in the tandem, an ominous question has begun to cloud Russia’s political scene: can the split in the tandem be smoothed over? Or could it drag the country into a situation reminiscent of 1991? News Article: Budget Deal Avoids Government Shutdown
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Israel : For All That I Am by Edward Francisco Villa
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The video shows a doctor lying on the ground injured and whom Gaddafi soldiers
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TSAHAL GIRLS - Je remercie tous nos soldats Israéliens.
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