Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: március, 2011
Libya: it is a different situation
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The current discussions about Libya within the EU should not be overestimated as a sign of dissension. While the Iraq war indeed constituted a rather sobering episode in the history of CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy), today's Western intervention into the Libyan civil war is a less controversial case. By Andreas Umland read the full article at Ria Novosti: Libya: it is a different situation 09:07 30/03/2011 The current discussions about Libya within the EU should not be overestimated as a sign of dissension. While the Iraq war indeed constituted a rather sobering episode in the history of CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy), today's Western intervention into the Libyan civil war is a less controversial case. >> Other news of the day
John H. Laub: Embracing a Culture of Science - A Message From the NIJ Di...
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NATO in Afghanistan - Making progress in Marjah (w/subtitles)
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SSI SWAT CTU Ops - The best training around
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SSI Interactive - A new option for advertisers
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Video of thousands in London protest march as paint bombs, flares fly
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Russia Reports France Threat Against Obama Brought US Into Libya War
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Islam's Allah and religion is the biggest terrorism in the world says So...
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Son of Hamas: Journey from Islamic Terror to Freedom in Christ(Part 1 of 2)
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What are the Palestinian traditions and morals?
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TSAHAL GIRLS - Je remercie tous nos soldats Israéliens.
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"le sable et le soldat" lucien ginsburg par la chorale de Tsahal
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44 ans après que Gainsbourg eût composé, à la demande de l'attaché culturel de l'Ambassade,une marche militaire ("Le Sable et le Soldat")"pour remonter le moral des troupes"israéliennes à la veille de la Guerre des 6 jours cet hymne patriotique voit enfin son aboutissement initial: une chorale officielle de Tsahal
Moscow is establishing lines of communication to the Taliban leadership.
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Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan Mullah Omar gets a Russian visitor By M K Bhadrakumar He can be disarmingly charming. Like any ethnic Uzbek. Plus he has cultivated a great sense of humor, especially the sardonic variety that is a Russian trademark, which sees you through adversities. He was trained in the tricks of his trade at the best professional schools in Moscow. A consummate Orientalist - that is what he has been, coming in the long distinctive tradition of Russian diplomacy that places an overriding accent on area specialists. They keep serving for decades altogether in the same region and over time they become all but "natives", speaking the local language, breathing the local customs and ethos, reveling in the local cuisine and having a whale of a time - and all the while filing back to the court in St Petersburg the chronicles of their subtle findings or making moves on the Central Asian chessboard. That is probabl...
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen
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Gladys Tibi - ACTION: Contre la propagande Canal +
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World Leaders - Maybe let me see your knickers
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Medvedev urges politicians to be careful in their statements on Libya
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Here is a video of President Dmitry Medvedev discussing "choice of words" when talking about the situation in Libya. Some think this is the beginning of a "clash" between the Russian tandem of Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, after Putin called the allied operation over Libya a "medieval crusade."
AG Encourages Contributions to Relief Efforts
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The Islamization of Chechnya
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The Islamization of Chechnya | The Propagandist A recent report by Human Rights Watch (HRW), entitled ‘You Dress According To Their Rules’, should highlight the growing need for policymakers in Moscow to counter the increasing entrenchment of Shari’a in Chechen society. HRW’s analysis documents extensively the enforcement of Islamic law vis-à-vis women’s rights in Chechnya, as part of Chechen President Ramzan Akhmadovich Kadyrov’s ‘Campaign for Female Virtue’. In fact, Kadyrov, who was first appointed president of the Chechen Republic by the Kremlin in February 2007, has never disguised his advocacy for Shari’a. Soon after becoming president, he defended polygamy as part of Chechen tradition, and in 2009, he praised the male relatives of seven young women, whom they shot in the head and dumped by a roadside as part of a series of honor killings. Speaking to journalists on a Friday afternoon outside a mosque in Grozny, the capital of the Chechen Republic, Kadyrov said that the wom...
MANIFESTATION DEVANT LE SIEGE DE CANAL + (desinformations) 2° partie, les videos
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MANIFESTATION DEVANT LE SIEGE DE CANAL + (desinformations) 2° partie, les videos Europe Israël et la Confédération des Juifs de France et Amis d'Israël remercie tous ceux qui étaient présents ce soir devant le siège de CANAL+ pour manifester notre colère. source and more: MANIFESTATION DEVANT LE SIEGE DE CANAL + (desinformations) 2° partie, les videos
eCamp - International hi-tech summer camp in Israel
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Great chart explaining radiation dosage.
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Great chart explaining radiation dosage. source:
A Pipeline Of Peace In South Asia? – Analysis
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TAPI – A Pipeline Of Peace In South Asia? – Analysis Even while consensus eludes the end-game in Afghanistan, and regional rivalry continues to complicate even a remote possibility of establishing peace in this conflict-ridden country, the economic windfall from an oil pipeline may yet help stabilise Afghanistan. The projected gains from the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline still retain the potential to create a win-win deal among regional stakeholders in Afghanistan. The TAPI project, expected to start in 2012 and be commissioned by 2016, envisages constructing 1,680 km of pipeline with a total gas capacity of 90 million standard cubic meters per day (mscmd). The proposed pipeline would stretch from Turkmenistan’s Dauletabad gas field and travel 1650 km through Turkmenistan (145 km), Afghanistan (735 km) and Pakistan (800 km), before culminating at the Indian border town of Fazilka in Punjab. It would carry 33 billion cubic meters of natural gas annually...
Plume of smoke near Gaddafi residence
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Plume of smoke near Gaddafi residence Plume of smoke near Gaddafi residence AFP Strong blasts rocked the Libyan capital tonight, including one in the area where Muammar Gaddafi has his residence, as a column of smoke rose skywards and anti-aircraft fire rang out. Gunfire had also been heard some two hours later from the same area around Gaddafi's residence in the Bab el-Aziziya barracks in the south of Tripoli, and tracer fire was seen in the sky. Britain, France and the US began launching strikes with aircraft and cruise missiles on targets in Libya late yesterday in line with a UN Security Council resolution authorising any measures to stop Kadhafi harming civilians in a campaign by his forces to subdue an uprising. original article here: Plume of smoke near Gaddafi residence
Israeli Navy Uncovers Weaponry Intended for Terrorist Organization in th...
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Music Video: Navy Supports Operation Tomodachi
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Navy and Marine Corps aircraft strike Libya as part of Operation Odyssey...
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Russian Teacher and Principal Leonid Milgram Turns 90
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“I Revel in What I Have Grown” Interview by Andrei Zolotov Jr. Russia Profile 03/15/2011 Over the past month there were a series of celebrations in Moscow for the 90th anniversary of one of Russia’s most celebrated teachers – Leonid Milgram. De facto, he built and for more than 40 years, led one of Moscow’s best schools – School number 45. Hundreds of graduates, including celebrities and the country’s top education officials gathered for a gala celebration in a theater in central Moscow on February 25, while thousands of successful former students celebrated around the world: one look at “Milgram’s Children” group on Facebook is enough to realize how widespread this network is.
Pakistan SSG Commandos Elite Army is Ready
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Its' a media war- Be a part of revolution Pakistan
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Arina - Yadernaia voyna (Nuclear war) - Polish subtitles
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Russians are highly individualized: they owe allegiance to their families and friends and localities in which they live, not to the nation as a whole. In fact, they believe themselves to be surrounded by enemies, both at home and abroad. They want a strong ruler to protect them from these (imaginary) enemies.
Happy birthday to Russian first lady Svetlana Medvedev - С Днем Рожденья !
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Russian first lady Svetlana Medvedev is celebrating her birthday today С Днем Рожденья :) День рождения - особая дата, Этот праздник ни с чем не сравнить, Кто-то мудрый придумал когда-то Имениннику радость дарить, Радость встречи, веселья, улыбок, Пожелания здоровья и сил, Чтобы счастье безоблачным было, Чтоб успех каждый день приходил! Svetlana Medvedev: work and leisure 17:21 15/03/2011 March 15 is the birthday of Russia’s First Lady, Svetlana Medvedev. She has been in the media spotlight since May 7, 2008 – the day of her husband’s inauguration as Russian president. >> Other news of the day
A Second Nuclear Age In Asia?
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A Second Nuclear Age In Asia? China can expect to be a target of US and Russian persuasion to cut-back its nuclear inventory. Efforts to alternately persuade and coerce North Korea to return to the negotiation table to disarm will intensify. Russian and US ratification of a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty marks the start of a new effort towards a “world without nuclear weapons”. There will be renewed calls for Asia to accept denuclearisation. Asia, however, has a more complex multipolar nuclear strategic environment. ON SATURDAY 5 February 2011 Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton exchanged the documents of ratification at the Munich Conference for a New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START). This means that the two old Cold War superpowers can now jointly turn their attention to persuading other nuclear-armed states to also reduce their nuclear arsenals and work towards disarmament. This New START, together with the agreem...
PM Netanyahus Response to the Savage Murder of the Fogel Family
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Le double langage est une des grandes spécialités de la propagande musulmane, que les palestiniens maitrisent parfaitement. En voici un nouvel exemple : Suite à l’effroyable assassinat par un palestinien de 3 enfants juifs et de leur parents pendant leur sommeil (lire), le Hamas fait des déclarations très différentes, en anglais et en Arabe. Sur son site officiel en anglais,, le Hamas poste ce court message condamnant les meurtres d’enfants, et dans lequel il nie toute part de responsabilité : Le Hamas nie toute responsabilité pour Itamar Ezzat Al-Rashak, un représentant officiel du Mouvement National palestinien Hamas officiel déclare que le mouvement n’est pas responsable de l’assassinat des cinq membres de la famille de la colonie d’Itamar. Al-Rashak confirme que faire du mal à des enfants ne fait pas partie de la politique du Hamas, ni la politique des factions de la résistance. Il a également précisé que la possibilité que l’incident ait été commis par les colons eux-m...
0-0-1-3 Formula Keeps Alcohol-Related Incidents At Bay
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0-0-1-3 Formula Keeps Alcohol-Related Incidents At Bay By Chief Mass Communication Specialist (SW/AW) Mary Popejoy, Commander, U.S. Second Fleet Public Affairs 101210-N-4779D-021 KEY WEST, Fla. (Dec. 10, 2010) Chief Master-at-Arms James Blagg, from New Port Richey, Fla., and Boatswain's Mate 1st Class Richard Grier, from Afton, N.Y., command drug and alcohol prevention advisors at Naval Air Station Key West, hang a banner next to a vehicle that crashed near Key West while the driver was under the influence of alcohol. Though not driven by a service member, the vehicle display at the main gate at Naval Air Station Key West's Boca Chica Field serves as a reminder to not drink and drive. (U.S. Navy photo by Trice Denny/Released) NORFOLK, Va. (NNS) -- In a fleet-wide message sent March 11, U.S. Second Fleet Commander stressed to all Sailors how the "0-0-1-3" approach to drinking offers a simple rule of thumb to keep them within the limits of responsible alcohol u...
III MEF continues relief efforts in support of Operation Tomodachi
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IDF hunting for perpetrators of brutal Itamar killings
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IDF hunting for perpetrators of brutal Itamar killings IDF hunting for perpetrators of brutal Itamar killings By YAAKOV KATZ Parents, 3 children stabbed to death in their sleep; large forces deployed near Nablus to prevent settler-Palestinian clashes. Talkbacks (45) A mother, father and three of their children were stabbed to death late Friday night by at least one suspected terrorist who infiltrated the Itamar settlement southeast of Nablus. The killings occurred shortly after 10 p.m., when one or two attackers jumped the fence that surrounds Itamar and broke into the home of Ruth and Udi Fogel, aged 35 and 36, respectively. The attackers went room to room, stabbing the parents, a three-month-old girl, Hadas, and two boys, Elad, three, and Yoav, 11. Two other children – aged two and eight – were in a side room but were not attacked. The family’s oldest child, 12- year-old Tamar, was out of the house at the time. The IDF immediately launched searches in nearby Arab villages as Pales...
Japan earthquake live report - Time Out Tokyo
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Japan earthquake live report - Time Out Tokyo Emergency numbers Emergency messaging service If you're stranded and you need to leave someone a message, dial 171, then 1, then your own home phone number, then leave your message. To pick up a message, it's 171, then 2, then your home phone number (the number you think the stranded person would have left). The numbers to call for Sendai-based foreigners: 022 265 2471 or 022 224 1919. NHK TV messaging service If you want to send a message to someone in the affected areas where all phone lines are down, NHK will broadcast your message on their TV service. The numbers on which to place your message are 03 5452 8800, or 050 3369 9680. Tokyo Gas If you're still having trouble with your gas supply, call Tokyo Gas on 0570 002211 (03 5722 0111 from mobile phones). WEST COASTIES- (people in general) Something as simple as this card, may help ease your troubled minds when it comes to future Radiation concerns regarding Japan. It is bett...
Murder of Israel's Children - Send your prayers and show solidarity with the Fogel family
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Nous sommes sous le choc face à une telle barbarie du terrorisme islamique.
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Europe Israël et la communauté juive toute entière est sous le choc de l'assassinat par un terroriste d'une famille juive dont trois enfants, y compris un bébé, près d'Hébron. Nous sommes sous le choc face à une telle barbarie du terrorisme islamique. Nous sommes sous le choc du silence total des médias français qui, quand il s'agit de "sang juif", sont silencieux préférant relayer comme toujours les informations pro-palestiniennes. Nous sommes sous le choc mais il n'est pas l'heure de la colère mais l'heure du recueillement avec nos frères en Israël. Ce soir, dimanche 13 mars, nous nous recueillerons nombreux pour accompagner cette famille, ces trois enfants assassinés, à 19 h devant l'Ambassade d'Israël à Paris. Nous allumerons des bougies et diront un Kaddish. Amenez des bougies. Venez nombreux et mobilisez vos amis !!! Ambassade d'Israël 3 Rue Rabelais 75008 Paris Et n'oubliez pas que nous manifesterons not...
MH-53 Helicopters Land Aboard USS Tortuga en route to Japan
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Fukushima, Japan - Nuclear Reactor Explosion - March 12, 2011
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Biden in Moscow for talks but Libya may steal the show
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Biden in Moscow for talks but Libya may steal the show Arab world turmoil could overshadow Vice President Biden's visit to Moscow. Medvedev is opposed establishing a no-fly zone in Libya. Vice President of the United States Joe Biden (r.) and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev greet each other at the Gorky presidential residence outside Moscow, Russia, on Wednesday, March 9. The talks in Moscow are expected to focus on missile defense cooperation and Russia's efforts to join the World Trade Organization. photo :Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP Vice President Joe Biden's two-day trip to Russia was planned as a routine temperature-taking exercise to set the stage for a possible Obama-Medvedev summit this summer here. Qaddafi vows to fight foreign interference, no-fly zone in Libya Pressure mounts for no-fly zone in Libya Medvedev rebuffs Gorbachev's warning of 'Egyptian scenario' in Russia. Who's right? But Mideast turmoil and deliberations over a no-f...
Russia expert says Turkey’s role important for stability in Mideast
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Turkey and Russia, both empires in the past, have been rediscovering themselves and becoming major players in the world, but Turkey is better positioned than the Russians to be a force for stability in the Middle East, said Dmitri Trenin, director of the Moscow center of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace based in Washington, D.C. “Russia has limited interests in the region. There are a few projects that Gazprom and the Russian Railways have been implementing in Libya, and some arms trade with Syria and Algeria,” he told Today’s Zaman in İstanbul after his participation in a March 8 roundtable meeting organized by the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV). He added that Russia is involved in tourism from Marrakech to Dubai and that it closely watches increasing oil prices as revolutions in the Arab world continue. “In the Middle East itself, the Russian Federation, unlike the Soviet Union, has no geopolitical designs,” he said. “Unlike the United Stat...
WikiLeaks: Karimov Plays U.S. Off Against Russia
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WikiLeaks: Karimov Plays U.S. Off Against Russia | The activist site WikiLeaks recently released a reported State Department cable dated February 11, 2010 that describes Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov as critical of what he characterized as Russia's meddling and even provocations in the Central Asian region, and portrays the Uzbek leader as ready for closer cooperation with the U.S. In a one-hour meeting with then-U.S. Ambassador John E. Herbst, Karimov claimed Moscow was trying to bring Tashkent "back into the fold". He said the Russian media exaggerated the danger of a Taliban victory, claiming the Taliban were "supposedly massing forces on the other side of the border from Termez and acquiring boats to infiltrate across the Amu Darya". Karimov said this was done deliberately "to sow panic among Uzbekistan's people. According to the cable, Karimov said he believed Russian threats of air strikes on terrorist bases in Afg...
Video of Libya rebels under fire as Gaddafi airstrikes reported
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Libya State TV releases British Ambassador telephone conversation with r...
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Protest Maps
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Mapping Violence Against Pro-Democracy Protests in Libya This map has been created by compiling reports from trusted accounts on Twitter. Nonetheless, these reports are in general unconfirmed. This information should be considered in the context of there being absolutely no independent media in Libya when I started. This map is not automatically produced. Each posting is considered before it is mapped. These considerations have evolved over time as conditions on the ground have changed. If you have any questions you can contact him via Twitter @Arasmus. Protest Maps
Reforms in Russia: An adequate response to challenges
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The tragedy of the Russian reformers is that their contemporaries never understand them. Reforms are never popular because they involve the breaking of traditional institutions to which people have become accustomed. There is a psychological aspect to this: fear of an uncertain future. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev speaking at a plenary session of the science and research conference "Great Reforms and Modenization of Russia". interview with Denis Sekirinsky, senior research fellow, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, academic secretary of the National Committee of Russian Historians. Reforms in Russia: An adequate response to challenges 10:14 05/03/2011 The tragedy of the Russian reformers is that their contemporaries never understand them. Reforms are never popular because they involve the breaking of traditional institutions to which people have become accustomed. There is a psychological aspect to this: fear of an uncerta...
Russians want a strong ruler to protect them from enemies
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Russians are highly individualized: they owe allegiance to their families and friends and localities in which they live, not to the nation as a whole. In fact, they believe themselves to be surrounded by enemies, both at home and abroad. They want a strong ruler to protect them from these enemies. Russians want a strong ruler to protect them from enemies 15:26 04/03/2011 Russians are highly individualized: they owe allegiance to their families and friends and localities in which they live, not to the nation as a whole. In fact, they believe themselves to be surrounded by enemies, both at home and abroad. They want a strong ruler to protect them from these (imaginary) enemies. >> Other news of the day
Rebels and pro-Gaddafi protesters clash in Tripoli
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Rebels and pro-Gaddafi protesters clash in Tripoli Tripoli/Cairo - A national council formed by Libyan opposition forces is due to hold its first meeting on Saturday, as leader Moamer Gaddafi's forces fight to regain control of cities controlled by rebels. The council will meet at an undisclosed time and location to discuss putting an end to air strikes by Gaddafi's forces, among other issues, the broadcaster Al Arabiya said. The council, formed in the eastern rebel-held city of Benghazi, aims to give a political face to the uprising against Gaddafi. It was formed by former justice minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil, who defected from Gaddafi's regime to join the rebels. It includes 31 members from different "liberated" cities. The meeting comes a day after two consecutive blasts at an ammunition depot near Benghazi left some 27 people dead. It was not clear how the explosions, which destroyed a 10-square- kilometre area containing ammunition, anti-aircraft and other he...