
Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: szeptember, 2010

Vélemény 1820-ból -

TÉNY!! 200 éves igazság!!! Vélemény 1820-ból "Amíg ezen emberfajtának megengedik, hogy fényes nappal házaljon, hogy ajtókat, zárakat, lakatokat fürkésszen, kolduljon, mindenféle mesterkedéssel zsebeket nyisson, pecsétnyomókat véssen, és hegedűvel, cimbalommal meg hárfával a falu előkelőinek házánál névnapi szerencsekívánatokat komponáljon, óh! iam satis est! addig ez az emberfaj nem javul meg. És ez Szarvason 1807-ben még inkább így van, sőt 1820-ban is. Miféle szerencse lehet az, amit egy derék, becsületes embernek neve napján vagy újévkor egy csapat feslett cigány kívánhat? Inkább fordítva! A becsületes embernek, ahol és ahogyan tudja, át kell alakítania a cigányt dolgos, tevékeny, derék emberré, szolgává, cseléddé, családapává és családanyává, és csak azután kívánhatnak egymásnak kölcsönösen szerencsét, és örülhetnek szerencséjüknek. Nem kellene-e a magyar közönségnek oly sok körözött rendelet után egy egyértelműen hozott határidőre komolyan megfogni a dolgot, s ezt az áll...

dr. Orbán Viktor Miniszterelnök úr részére -Tisztelt Miniszterelnök úr !

A TMRSZ megértette, hogy nincs tovább! Miniszterelnök Úr nem jön, a Lázár levél meg eltűnt. 2010. szeptember 21. kedd, 06:29 postaimre Szám: Kü-379-2 /2010. dr. Orbán Viktor Miniszterelnök Úr részére Tisztelt Miniszterelnök Úr! Sajnálattal értesültünk Titkárságvezetője, Bali Gabriella asszony útján arról, hogy a legtöbb hivatásos állományú rendőrt tömörítő szakszervezetünk 5 évente megrendezésre kerülő, soron következő - 2010. szeptember 24-25-én Budapesten tartandó - kongresszusunkon egyéb elfoglaltsága miatt nem tud megjelenni. Meghívónkban jeleztük, a legnagyobb rugalmassággal igazodnánk Miniszterelnök Úr igényéhez a találkozó napközbeni (akár esti) időpontját illetően. Tudomásul véve, hogy Miniszterelnök Úr nem vesz részt kongresszusunkon, egy írásban megfogalmazott üdvözlésre, tájékoztatásra kértük Titkárságvezetője útján, aki "ilyet nem s...

Russian Spam Domains Increase After China Tightens Domain Registration Rules - Security from eWeek

Russian Spam Domains Increase After China Tightens Domain Registration Rules - Security from eWeek Spammers have increasingly been moving their operations to Russian domains since China's domain regulator introduced tighter rules in 2009, security researchers say. The CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) changed some of its domain registration rules so that applicants are required to submit a formal paper-based application to a registrar that includes, among other things, a photocopy of the registrant's identification. At the time, some security researchers predicted that the move would have the side effect of making Chinese domains less attractive for cyber-criminals seeking anonymity. And in fact, spammers have increasingly migrated to the Russian .ru TLD (top-level domain) to register their domains, reported M86 Security. In August, one-third of all unique domains M86 observed in spam were .ru domains, with nearly all of those being registered through two regist...

Computer Hacking: Resetting the Bios Password

Russian Mafia Linked To Hacking Of A Usa City In Cape ?

Computer hackers breached the local authority bank accounts in November 2008 and redirected 34.000 dollars in taxpayer money to Russia in an elaborate computer hacking scheme. The scheme,involved hacking into the local authority computers to steal passwords to withdraw cash through wire transfers, there were four illegal transfers found during a 10-day period. The money was wired to banks in Florida and Georgia in the United States and at least one transfer was traced to St. Petersburg, Russia. That has law enforcement convinced that Russian organized crime is involved. Hackers used a virus known as a \”sniffer\” to snag the password and security information from the computer system, that type of virus is also called a key-stroke logger. The hacking was first discovered on Nov. 14 by the town Treasurer when he discovered the bogus transfers when he went to pay the local authorities bills for that week and didn\’t have enough money. Bank officials told him that he had authorized...

Al Qa’eda ‘abducting their sons from Iraq’ - The National Newspaper

Al Qa’eda ‘abducting their sons from Iraq’ - The National Newspaper BAGHDAD // Dozens of children born to al Qa’eda fighters in Iraq have been abducted by their fathers, prompting fears they will be brought up abroad as the next generation of Islamist militants. Iraqi women who were forced to marry foreign al Qa’eda volunteers have reported infant boys being snatched away by their husbands and never heard from again. An Iraqi charity working to support the al Qa’eda wives, many of whom were effectively presented as gifts to the militants, said the abductions posed a grave and long-term danger to Iraq and other countries. “We have reports that many of these children are disappearing and that al Qa’eda wants to bring them up as a new generation that will be indoctrinated from birth and will be extremely loyal to its cause,” said Jamil Dawar, an official with Noor, a non-governmental organisation that provides help to hundreds of women who were married off to foreign militants. “I believ...

Russian audience indifferent to heavyweight match in Moscow - The National Newspaper

Russian audience indifferent to heavyweight match in Moscow - The National Newspaper

East Asia Strategic Environment: The Cold War Continues

East Asia Strategic Environment: The Cold War Continues

EXCLUSIVE: Knight and Day Premiere in Tokyo with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz!

EXCLUSIVE: Knight and Day Premiere in Tokyo with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz! EXCLUSIVE PICS & VIDEO! Sept. 28th Tokyo Knight & Day movie premiere w/ Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz & the fans!

Guerrilla Marketing - Партизанский маркетинг

TYPICAL advertising moves are no longer satisfied with today's marketers. On the agenda - find creative methods, psychological impact on consumer 30 of the last century Marlboro cigarettes Corporation Philip Morris held 31 th place in the ranking of tobacco brands. It took more than a year and capital-intensive advertising campaign that Marlboro was one of the world's most popular brands. Today, market conditions, along with heightened tough fight for a fraction of the market does not even allow producers to have untwisted trademarks wait for success as much as waiting for Marlboro Corporation Philip Morris. For this and other reasons, the domestic manufacturers are increasingly adopting methods of guerrilla marketing as an additional tool to promote products, and sometimes as an absolute alternative to the standard marketing policy. Guerrilla Marketing is based on human psychology. For example, of the twenty most beautiful women we remember shod in the fins or the one at h...

Iran ready to cooperate with Russia in the Middle East

Iran ready to cooperate with Russia in the Middle East Tags: Middle East , Commentary , Iran , Politics , Russia , World Elizaveta Isakova 29.09.2010, 19:44 Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi, Iran's Ambassador to Russia, spoke with the VoR reporters on Wednesday. Among other things, he stated that Iran is ready to cooperate with Russia on the conflict resolution in Afghanistan and in the Middle East. Russian politicians are currently urging the involvement of Iran in the resolution of regional problems as this may distract the country from its nuclear program. Washington also welcomes the initiative and especially notes Iran's influence in the Gulf. However, experts doubt that nuke-obsessed Iran will agree to be a peacekeeper. Iran is also unlikely to cooperate with the US which is negatively perceived in the country. Still, Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi says Iran is ready to cooperate with Russia on regional security.Iran is not ready to serve a peacekeeping missio...

Team #ICanChangeTheWorld Twitter Contest Winner Announced!

Team #ICanChangeTheWorld Twitter Contest Winner Announced!

VIDEO: Brain-Computer Interface Demo

VIDEO: Brain-Computer Interface Demo

Gyurcsány Ferenc video

1956 Hungary

Austro-Hungarian Navy

Urlaub Osttirol - Hotel Outside, Wanderurlaub in Tirol / Osttirol

History of the Internet

Arsenic in mineral water - from Auchan

Kérünk segíts a dunakeszi tőzegláp megvédésében! Van néhány videónk ami kiválóan szemlélteti az elképesztő sumákolást, amit az önkormányzat és a vállalat folytat. Az első, mostanában a legjobb videó a NOL-é: Teljes leleplező videó a láncfűrészes "parlagfű"irtókkal: Régebbi videó a láp történetéről: Szentimentálisabb vonal auchan hörcsögökkel: Kérjük ne csak néző legyél ebben a fárasztó küzdelemben. Talán ismersz újságírókat, jó grafikus vagy, tudsz levelezni franciául, videót feliratozni, van egy olvasott blogod, vagy egyszerűen el tudsz jönni egy demonstrációra... Hívj meg ismerősöket a kapcsolódó oldalakra: Bojkott Auchan:!/group.php?gid=243975724575...

Counting Number from 1 to 999 in Chinese

Learn Mandarin Chinese Lesson 1 - Introduce yourself

Learn Chinese everywhere at any time!

Hakuna Matata Lion King (Mandarin-Chinese)

Learn Chinese Basic Words With Disney Characters

HeroRAT vs car


Gav's EV Conversion - Bonus Video - Wow! I'm Famous!

Anthem - Army Officership Commercial

Army Strong

Army Song

US Army Song - "The Army Goes Rolling Along"

The FCC Wants Web Investors to Be Rich

The FCC Wants Web Investors to Be Rich

Facebook: Unfriend Coal

Interpol warns of mounting terrorist Web sites

Interpol warns of mounting terrorist Web sites The global police network Interpol has warned that the “skyrocketing” number of extremist Web sites are fueling terrorist recruits. During the International Association of Police Chiefs summit in Paris on September 21 and 22, Ronald Noble, secretary general of Interpol, told attendees that the threat from an increasing number of extremist Web sites made it easier for young people to be recruited for terrorist activities. The meeting was held behind closed doors, but Interpol posted Noble’s remarks on its Web site during the conference. Noble, according to Interpol, said the Internet was easing the path to radicalization, calling the growing number of sites “a global threat that only international police networks could fully address.” Noble said terrorist recruiters exploit the Web to target young, middle class, vulnerable individuals who were usually not “on the radar of law enforcement”. He also called for increased international sharing ...

UK Labour Sneaks Ahead In Opinion Poll

UK Labour Sneaks Ahead In Opinion Poll

EU Austerity 'Too Much, Too Fast', Says Union Leader

EU Austerity 'Too Much, Too Fast', Says Union Leader

Letter from 2067 years : Részletek az utolsó magyar naplójából

2008. 04. 10. Ma érdekes látványosságban volt részem. A városunkba költözött egy muszlim házaspár, a gyerekeikkel. 11-en vannak. Nagyon kedves, szerény emberek, libasorban közlekednek az utcán. 2010. 01. 01. B.U.É.K. Jópofa emberek ezek az arabok.. Hat család van a városban, és mindenkire mosolyognak. Egyszer volt csak balhé, amikor bécsi szeletet szerettek volna enni az étteremben, és csak a végén derült ki, hogy nem borjú, hanem disznóhúsból készült. 2012. 03. 15. A szomszéd házat megvette egy család. Ahmed Ibd'n Al Mahmudnak hívják. Vicces ember, mindhárom feleségére zsákot húzott, és azok csak úgy mászkálhatnak az utcán. Vajon mit hordanak a zsák alatt? Még egy zsákot?Tele vannak ezek pénzzel. Pedig nem is dolgoznak. Valami szövetségük van, és egymásnak adnak pénzt. Később meg ők segítik ki az új bevándorlókat. Tetszik ez a szolidaritás... 2015. 10. 28. A másik szomszédunk is muszlim lett. Ők régi magyar család, de valamiért áttértek. Mondjuk Gizi néni elég hülyén néz ki...

Behind the scenes: Victor

Watch this great video of Victor, who along with Anais was the first one up Chevron's anchor chain. He's currently in the water, doing shifts like all of us to stop the drill ship moving!

To contact Lawyers for 9/11 Truth

Open Letter The following is an open letter from two of our members. Please distribute it widely, to lawyers everywhere. Dear Counsel, As an attorney, you know how important the Constitution and the rule of law is. We've just suffered through years of attack on the system of laws and justice in which we practice. Many lawyers are concerned about presidential signing statements, spying on American citizens, torture, and other challenges to American law and international conventions... As attorneys, we are not swayed quite so much as some people by ungrounded emotions. We have expertise in analyzing competing claims, weighing conflicting evidence, and reaching logical decisions about what really happened. Moreover, as lawyers, we know that people sometimes cover up and attempt to hide incompetence, recklessness, or crime. We have all heard people say that "everything changed on 9/11", as if that were an excuse to disregard the Constitution as a "quaint",...

Report: US Seeks to Make Internet Wiretaps Easier -- Signs of the Times News

Report: US Seeks to Make Internet Wiretaps Easier -- Signs of the Times News : "" The Obama administration is drawing up legislation to make it easier for US intelligence services to eavesdrop on the Internet, including email exchanges and social networks, The New York Times said Monday. The White House intends to submit a bill before Congress next year that would require all online services that enable communications to be technically capable of complying with a wiretap order, including being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages, the Times reported. The services would include encrypted email transmitters like BackBerry, social networking websites like Facebook and peer-to-peer messaging software like Skype. Federal law enforcement and national security officials are seeking the new regulations, arguing that extremists and criminals are increasingly communicating on...