R.I.P. Hungarian soldier Judit Abraham Papp

Nyugodj békében Papné Ábraham Juditt posztomusz hadnagy!

Hungarian soldier killed, 3 wounded in Afghanistan

BUDAPEST, Hungary - One Hungarian soldier has been killed and three have been wounded in an attack on a military convoy in northern Afghanistan, the Hungarian Defence Ministry said Monday.

The attack took place at 01:30 GMT, when the 18-vehicle convoy, which was carrying Hungarian troops to the city of Mazar-e-Sharif, was fired on from several sides after a roadside explosion. The vehicle carrying the injured troops was also hit by a rocket-propelled grenade.

A 32-year-old female solider, 1st Sgt. Judit Abraham Papp, died at the scene, 20 kilometres (12 miles) northwest of the town of Pul-e-Khumri, while another suffered life-threatening injuries and two more were seriously hurt.

Some of the troops in the convoy were on their way back to Hungary after having completed their tours of duty.

After the attack, the convoy returned to its base in Pul-e-Khumri, Baghlan Province, where Hungary has had a provincial reconstruction team supporting local authorities and civic groups with security and logistics since 2006.

Defence Minister Csaba Hende said Papp would be promoted posthumously to 1st Lt. Papp's husband is also in the Hungarian armed forces and had returned home from Afghanistan a few days ago.

Papp is the third Hungarian soldier to be killed in Afghanistan.

source:By The Associated Press

Pappné Ábrahám Judit törzsőrmestert posztumusz hadnaggyá léptette elő és a Magyar Honvédség hősi halottjává nyilvánította Hende Csaba. Hétfő délutáni sajtótájékoztatóján a honvédelmi miniszter megerősítette, hogy a magyar kormány afganisztáni szerepvállalása változatlan.

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