Abgeordneter in Ungarn fordert "Judenzählung" im Parlament
Do not allow contamination of the Hungarian Parliament with fascist ideology! Do not allow ultra-right thought gaining acceptance in Hungary! Do not allow compilation of 'Jewish lists' again – ninety years after the first Jewish laws! Do not allow fascist thought and ideology gaining upper hand in our country! Do not allow Hungarian political parties remain silent! Hungarian democrats! Antifascist friends! Do not allow! Abgeordneter in Ungarn fordert "Judenzählung" im Parlament BUDAPEST, HUNGARY — Lawmakers wore yellow stars and hundreds of protesters rallied on Tuesday to condemn a far-right politician who called for the screening of Jews for national security risks, part of a wave of incendiary racist comments from a populist party. Marton Gyongyosi, a Jobbik party deputy, on Monday criticized Hungary's foreign ministry for what he said was siding with Israel and said the Middle East conflict presented an opportunity to carry out his plans for backg...