Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: október, 2011
The Unified Gas Supply (UGSS) of Russia is the world's largest pipeline network
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The Economic Hierarchy of Great Powers in the Globalization Era
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The ongoing globalization is only enhancing the significance of economic might as the key factor of influence. It is also increasingly eroding institutions and ideological patterns of the previous era. Other news of the day 26/10/2011 Time for Financial Repression DUBININ, Sergei The Russian authorities have succeeded in easing the consequences of the economic and financial crisis of 2008-2009 for the population. At the same time, the crisis has exposed structural weaknesses of the Russian economy.
[2011年春节联欢晚会 HQ] 11 - 魔术 - 年年有鱼-magic "fish every year" Big Secret (video)
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2011 Spring Festival Evening Fu Yandong magic "fish every year" Big Secret (video) 2011春晚傅琰东魔术《年年有鱼》大揭秘(视频) 2月2日晚21点43分,2011年央视春晚 的第一个魔术《年年有鱼》正式开演。出身于中国著名傅氏魔术世家的傅琰东搭档董卿,为观众带来了一场“生动至极”的魔术表演。傅琰东现场训练金鱼,而6条安静的金鱼也在他的口令下听话的走起方阵,让人难以置信地左转,右转,交叉,解散……此后,傅琰东又将画中的金鱼变到了鱼缸里,掀起现场小高潮。以往春晚 的魔术多以静物为主,此次傅琰东用金鱼作为魔术的工具让整个魔术变得更加生动,也更具观赏性和娱乐性。 不过节目播出不久,就有网友揭秘了其中的原理。网友猜测如此“听话”的金鱼说起来有点残忍,是先前在金鱼身体里植入了类似3CM金属块的物质,然后利用磁铁的物理效应进行表演。这个磁铁的力量不够拉动鱼游动,但是却能够引导。通过这个略微的引导力,鱼儿就会按照魔术师引导的方向游动,而不至于吸起来。 最新消息:傅琰东回应猜测 2011 年兔年春晚已经落下帷幕,其中傅琰东表演的魔术《年年有鱼》引发了网友巨大争议,表演结束后,立马有网友开始猜测魔术背后的真相。有网友称魔术在金鱼肚子里放了磁铁,此外,金鱼画其实是一个LED电子相框,鱼缸内有暗格。另有网友爆料此魔术十分残忍,参与魔术的鱼只能活5-7天。 关于这种猜测,魔术师傅琰东回应:“接到铺天盖地的消息,很多人询问关于网络上揭秘的所谓残忍表演是否属实,我可以很负责任的告诉大家,它们活得很开心!(^_^) 。”那背后的真相到底是什么呢?还值得大家继续开动脑筋猜测。 网编:花好月圆
Gazprom-phobia escalates in Brussels
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Putin's message to Europe: "I don’t understand at all. How will you heat your houses? You do not want gas; you are not developing nuclear energy. Will you get your heat from firewood? But even for firewood you will need to go to Siberia..." Gazprom-phobia escalates in Brussels Tags: Russia , World , European Union , Gazprom , Commentary , Business Chernitsa Polina 28.09.2011, 15:21 Russia has urged the European Commission to observe the rights of its energy giant Gazprom. The country’s Energy Ministry said its interests as a supplier and investor and protected by international agreements. The day before, members of the European Commission have searched offices of a number of EU energy companies that are one way or another linked to Gazprom. The Russian giant itself referred to this as common practice being in strict conformity with Brussels’ orders concerning the protection of competition. EU commissioners claim it is too early to talk about any violations. V...
Phobos-Grunt (Фобос-Грунт) Mission Animation.
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On November 7, Roscosmos (the Russian Federal Space Agency) will launch an unmanned mission to Mars and its larger moon Phobos. Onboard will be a Chinese microsatellite to orbit the red planet for a year, but the real star will be the Russian Phobos-Grunt lander, which will touch down onto the surface of Phobos, retrieve a soil sample and return it to Earth by 2014.The Planetary Society is also contributing to the mission with a payload of live microorganisms to test the hypothesis that life can survive in space after being blasted off planets from meteor impacts.
Assange: Superpower takeover of Libya a lesson to world
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Terrorists, States And Biological Weapons Development
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